Chilling and creating is possible for you as a TCC Member
So, when are you going to manifest your ideas?
What are you waiting for?
Remain calm, live in the moment &
Let the CHILL-axing begin!
This unique The Chill Concept (TCC) community is based on member participation. We encourage our members to be active participants, so we provide the adequate social space to get involved.
We are here to help our members achieve transcendence and to support personal goals. We want to see all kinds of groups and ideas circulating in ways that mark member contributions to our community as important and valuable to society. We believe each member provides a uniqueness that enhances the TCC experience for everyone!
TCC members enjoy access to an interactive, social experience that supports your personal goals. It’s social, supportive and sustaining and only
TCC Membership is $50 for yearly membership benefits include:
- A special space for you to Chill
- Receive advance notice/invitation to Chillax sessions
- and special events
- Freedom to explore our vast reference library of contemporary art books, magazines and video collection
- Complimentary participation for “Book Crossings”
- Enjoy special member’s only discounts to workshops and in-store purchases
- Members may also be invited to submit projects for our curated collection
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