Rolando Peña, a renowned Venezuelan multimedia artist will present “Tocatta and Fugge in Barrel Major” at The Chill Concept. This sound-action art performance is made using oil barrels as a critical instrument. It title pays homage to Johann Sebastian Bach.
Peña has used crude oil and oil barrels on his artwork since the early 80s. Sculpture, graphics, films, videos, and sometimes performances have been some of the artistic media he has explored. He examines the ideas of power, money, and religion through oil and the machinery associated with its extraction.
Gerardo Zavarce, Venezuelan curator stated: “By the sound of his performance: «Toccata and Fugue in Barril Major»… Rolando Peña introduces sounds and aesthetic references that offer a opposite musicality given by the «orchestras Venezuelan system». He offers a critical perspective opposed to the servile numbness of «Dudamel-style».