by Zinnia Martinez | Apr 15, 2015 | Noticias en español
Octubre, 2013: entro al taller de Isabela Muci y me fijo en los muros. Hay marcas de tirros y las más variadas huellas de pintura. Ahí va colgando y descolgando sus piezas, quizá para verlas con algo de distancia luego de ser terminadas. Así, pienso, podrá precisarse...
by Zinnia Martinez | Apr 15, 2015 | TCC News
October, 2013: I enter Isabela Muci’s studio and I see her walls. There are traces of tape and a variety of paint marks. From these walls she hangs and takes down her work, to see it at a distance once she has done. So, I think, she may want to retouch, or maybe...
by Zinnia Martinez | Mar 19, 2015 | TCC News
On April 9th, Venezuelan artist Isabela Muci will open at The Chill Concept the exhibition called “The Rapture of The Drift”, a series of oil on canvas that explores the body as an expressive resource and painting as a meditation exercise. At The Chill Concept...