Wild Speech by Arnoldo Maal

Wild Speech by Arnoldo Maal

Wild Speech Live installation in network by Arnoldo Maal Looking for the roots. I become real. The ideas in my heart start speaking for themselves, including those against each others. I give my heart to many voices that nourish my spirit. I am speechless. I am only a...

“Soulmates” by Adriana Barrios

Soulmates (2015) The soul is where our most terrible personal battles are fought. Our ideas, experiences, memories and feelings, both positive and negative, emerge and influence the exercise of our will, being recorded in a secret file that would be “the seed of...
“The Age of Charisma” by Hamlet Lavastida

“The Age of Charisma” by Hamlet Lavastida

“The Age of Charisma” (2012) The ridicule of these paradigms comes with a pop aesthetic, considering the spot colors on the background; and a dose of classic insular choteo, I scheduled a folk music that adds some dreamlike dimension. From an ethical and conceptual,...